This article show examples of using the D4 explode operator.
This operator is used for expressing hierarchical data. It is
not a 'recursive' operator like the recursive sql CTE but more
like the Oracle Connect By construct.
The examples follow the ones used by Itzik Ben-Gan to illustrate
the recursive CTE query in Sql Server 2005, specifically the
'Single-Parent Environment: Employees Organizational Chart'
which can be found at:
The explode examples are based on the Employees table used in the
sql example. The table is stored in an Sql Server 2005 database.
Several of the examples use the concept of a dense rank.
As with most of my articles, the code is not necessarily 'clever' but
straightforward, not necessarily the best 'performant' but intended
to express the many different concepts and constructs in D4.
select Employees
empid mgrid empname salary
----- ----- -------- ----------
1 0 Nancy $10,000.00
2 1 Andrew $5,000.00
3 1 Janet $5,000.00
4 1 Margaret $5,000.00
5 2 Steven $2,500.00
6 2 Michael $2,500.00
7 3 Robert $2,500.00
8 3 Laura $2,500.00
9 3 Ann $2,500.00
10 4 Ina $2,500.00
11 7 David $2,000.00
12 7 Ron $2,000.00
13 7 Dan $2,000.00
14 11 James $1,500.00
Get a tree for a specific manager.
by mgrid = parent empid
where mgrid=0
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
// Do a little string insert to format the tree.
add {'' Temp, level-1 Totalspace}
add {
).Replace('|',' | ')
Tree mgrid empid empname sequence level
----------------- ----- ----- -------- -------- -----
Nancy 0 1 Nancy 1 1
| Andrew 1 2 Andrew 2 2
| | Steven 2 5 Steven 3 3
| | Michael 2 6 Michael 4 3
| Janet 1 3 Janet 5 2
| | Robert 3 7 Robert 6 3
| | | David 7 11 David 7 4
| | | | James 11 14 James 8 5
| | | Ron 7 12 Ron 9 4
| | | Dan 7 13 Dan 10 4
| | Laura 3 8 Laura 11 3
| | Ann 3 9 Ann 12 3
| Margaret 1 4 Margaret 13 2
| | Ina 4 10 Ina 14 3
Treat each employee as if they are a manager. This will return the
subordinates of each employee regardless of whether or not
they are a manager.
by mgrid = parent empid
where mgrid>=0 //Changing where to include all employees.
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
add {'' Temp, level-1 Totalspace}
add {
).Replace('|',' | ')
{Tree,mgrid,empid,empname,sequence,level} ;
Tree mgrid empid empname sequence level
----------------- ----- ----- -------- -------- -----
Nancy 0 1 Nancy 1 1
| Andrew 1 2 Andrew 2 2
| | Steven 2 5 Steven 3 3
| | Michael 2 6 Michael 4 3
| Janet 1 3 Janet 5 2
| | Robert 3 7 Robert 6 3
| | | David 7 11 David 7 4
| | | | James 11 14 James 8 5
| | | Ron 7 12 Ron 9 4
| | | Dan 7 13 Dan 10 4
| | Laura 3 8 Laura 11 3
| | Ann 3 9 Ann 12 3
| Margaret 1 4 Margaret 13 2
| | Ina 4 10 Ina 14 3
Andrew 1 2 Andrew 15 1
| Steven 2 5 Steven 16 2
| Michael 2 6 Michael 17 2
Janet 1 3 Janet 18 1
| Robert 3 7 Robert 19 2
| | David 7 11 David 20 3
| | | James 11 14 James 21 4
| | Ron 7 12 Ron 22 3
| | Dan 7 13 Dan 23 3
| Laura 3 8 Laura 24 2
| Ann 3 9 Ann 25 2
Margaret 1 4 Margaret 26 1
| Ina 4 10 Ina 27 2
Steven 2 5 Steven 28 1
Michael 2 6 Michael 29 1
Robert 3 7 Robert 30 1
| David 7 11 David 31 2
| | James 11 14 James 32 3
| Ron 7 12 Ron 33 2
| Dan 7 13 Dan 34 2
Laura 3 8 Laura 35 1
Ann 3 9 Ann 36 1
Ina 4 10 Ina 37 1
David 7 11 David 38 1
| James 11 14 James 39 2
Ron 7 12 Ron 40 1
Dan 7 13 Dan 41 1
James 11 14 James 42 1
If we reverse 'by mgrid = parent empid' to 'by empid = parent mgrid' we
get the tree of a particular employee to their top level manager.
by empid = parent mgrid
where empid=13
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
add {'' Temp, level-1 Totalspace}
add {
).Replace('|',' | ')
Tree mgrid empid empname sequence level
-------------- ----- ----- ------- -------- -----
Dan 7 13 Dan 1 1
| Robert 3 7 Robert 2 2
| | Janet 1 3 Janet 3 3
| | | Nancy 0 1 Nancy 4 4
By changing the where predicate to >=1 we can get a report on all
employees (note where empid>=3 eliminates the graph of the 1st 2
employees (Nancy and Andrew) but doesn't eliminate them from graphs
of other employees who report to them).
Here we create an operator that will give a graph in either direction
of a specific employee and their top level manager. In other words,
we can either start with the employee and go down to their top level
manager or start with the employees top level manager and go down
to the employee. The concept of the dense rank is used for binding
all rows of each employee together. By getting the empname and empid
for each dense rank we can target any employee by name or number.
(Note we could, of course, use a view or any number of other constructs.
I just felt in the mood to use an operator ☺ ).
The operator takes two arguments. The first, aTreeTable, is a table
of type Employees. The second, Start_At, is a string and indicates
the direction of the graph. Using 'M' for manager starts with the
manager. Using 'E' starts with the employee.
create operator EmpTree(aTreeTable:typeof(Employees),Start_At:String):
//The operator returns a virtual table with columns and their data types
//defined by the typeof expression.
add{1 level,'S' empnamerank,1 empidrank, 'T' Tree_Graph, 1 Rank, 1 TreeOrder}
result:=table of typeof(result){};
//Starting at top level mgr for each employee is a desc sort (default).
//Starting at each employee to the top level mgr. is an asc sort.
//Start_At=M(gr) is desc sort (default)
//Start_At='E(mp) is asc sort.
var LSort:='D'; //Default.
if ( ((Start_At.Trim())[0]).Upper() ) = 'E'
then LSort:='A' ;
var T:=
by empid = parent mgrid
where empid>=1
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'};
//Get a dense rank. This rank binds all rows for each employee
//together. The idea is to increment a count for every level 1 since
//a level 1 indicates the start of a new employee.
var TR:=
T add{case when level=1 then empname else nil end NameEmp}
T rename {sequence sequenceX}
where (sequenceX<=sequence) and (level=1)
var SR:=
TR group by {Rank}
//We want the emp name, number (empid) and reverse level for each
//dense rank (empname). We want the reverse level so we can get
//the tree representative from the employee to top level manager
//AND the top level manager to the employee.
add{Max(empid) NumEmpid,Max(NameEmp) Emp_Name,Max(level) Maxlevel}
add {
(empname.Insert(0,''.PadLeft( (if LSort='A' then (level-1) else (Maxlevel-level)),
'|'))).Replace('|',' | ')
rename {sequence seq};
order by
sort ((1 - (2*ToInteger((LSort = 'D'))))*(.left.value ?= .right.value)) asc
) //ToTable
{empid,mgrid,empname,salary,level,Emp_Name empnamerank,
NumEmpid empidrank,Tree_Graph,Rank,sequence+1 TreeOrder};
Here we show the first five employees by using Rank in a where statement.
The value of the Rank corresponds to the ascending order of empid.
Because empid starts at 1 Rank happens to be equal to the empid.
select EmpTree(Employees,'Mgr') //We use the operator as if it were a table.
where Rank<=5
order by {TreeOrder};
empid mgrid empname salary level empnamerank empidrank Tree_Graph Rank TreeOrder
----- ----- -------- ---------- ----- ----------- --------- ------------ ---- ---------
1 0 Nancy $10,000.00 1 Nancy 1 Nancy 1 1
1 0 Nancy $10,000.00 2 Andrew 2 Nancy 2 2
2 1 Andrew $5,000.00 1 Andrew 2 | Andrew 2 3
1 0 Nancy $10,000.00 2 Janet 3 Nancy 3 4
3 1 Janet $5,000.00 1 Janet 3 | Janet 3 5
1 0 Nancy $10,000.00 2 Margaret 4 Nancy 4 6
4 1 Margaret $5,000.00 1 Margaret 4 | Margaret 4 7
1 0 Nancy $10,000.00 3 Steven 5 Nancy 5 8
2 1 Andrew $5,000.00 2 Steven 5 | Andrew 5 9
5 2 Steven $2,500.00 1 Steven 5 | | Steven 5 10
We can overload the EmpTree operator so as to provide a default value
for the Start_At parameter, ie. the direction of the graph. We make
the default 'M' so the graph starts with the top level manager of the
We simply supply the literal 'Mgr' for the sort direction for the
same operator whose signiture includes the Start_At parameter.
create operator EmpTree(aTreeTable:typeof(Employees)):
add{1 level,'S' empnamerank,1 empidrank, 'T' Tree_Graph, 1 Rank, 1 TreeOrder}
result:= EmpTree(aTreeTable,'Mgr');
Here get the tree of employee 'James' starting at the highest level manager
by using the overload signature of the EmpTree operator.
select EmpTree(Employees)
where empnamerank='James'
order by {TreeOrder};
Tree_Graph TreeOrder
----------------- ---------
Nancy 38
| Janet 39
| | Robert 40
| | | David 41
| | | | James 42
Here we start with employee 'James' up to his highest level manager.
select EmpTree(Employees,' Emp ')
where empnamerank='James'
order by {TreeOrder};
Tree_Graph TreeOrder
----------------- ---------
James 38
| David 39
| | Robert 40
| | | Janet 41
| | | | Nancy 42
Here we use the EmpTree operator to get the enumerated paths in both
directions using the Concat (concatenation) operator. (More info here).
(EmpTree(Employees) add{'.' Del} adorn{key{empidrank,TreeOrder}})
group by {empidrank}
Max(empnamerank) empname,
Concat(empname,Del order by {empidrank,TreeOrder}) PathMgrtoEmp,
Concat(empname,Del order by {empidrank,TreeOrder desc}) PathEmptoMgr
rename {empidrank empid}
order by {empid};
empid empname PathMgrtoEmp PathEmptoMgr
----- -------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
1 Nancy Nancy Nancy
2 Andrew Nancy.Andrew Andrew.Nancy
3 Janet Nancy.Janet Janet.Nancy
4 Margaret Nancy.Margaret Margaret.Nancy
5 Steven Nancy.Andrew.Steven Steven.Andrew.Nancy
6 Michael Nancy.Andrew.Michael Michael.Andrew.Nancy
7 Robert Nancy.Janet.Robert Robert.Janet.Nancy
8 Laura Nancy.Janet.Laura Laura.Janet.Nancy
9 Ann Nancy.Janet.Ann Ann.Janet.Nancy
10 Ina Nancy.Margaret.Ina Ina.Margaret.Nancy
11 David Nancy.Janet.Robert.David David.Robert.Janet.Nancy
12 Ron Nancy.Janet.Robert.Ron Ron.Robert.Janet.Nancy
13 Dan Nancy.Janet.Robert.Dan Dan.Robert.Janet.Nancy
14 James Nancy.Janet.Robert.David.James James.David.Robert.Janet.Nancy
Here we get the counts of employees directly or indirectly reporting to managers.
by empid = parent mgrid
where empid>=1
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
group by {mgrid} add{Count() MgrCnt}
where mgrid>0
mgrid MgrCnt
----- ------
1 13
2 2
3 7
4 1
7 4
11 1
Here are the employees who are the managers. For example there are 13 people
who report to Nancy. This is represented indirectly by people who report
to the three managers directly below her (Andrew, Janet, Margaret) and
directly by the same managers reporting to her. Dan, David and Ron report
to Robert. But there is an additional employee reporting to David (James)
so Robert (mgrid 7) has 4 employees reporting to him.
by empid = parent mgrid
where empid>=1
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
group by {mgrid} add{Count() MgrCnt}
join Employees
where mgrid>0
join ( Employees {empid MgrEmpid,empname MgrName} )
by mgrid=MgrEmpid
mgrid MgrName empname MgrCnt
----- -------- -------- ------
1 Nancy Andrew 13
1 Nancy Janet 13
1 Nancy Margaret 13
2 Andrew Michael 2
2 Andrew Steven 2
3 Janet Ann 7
3 Janet Laura 7
3 Janet Robert 7
4 Margaret Ina 1
7 Robert Dan 4
7 Robert David 4
7 Robert Ron 4
11 David James 1
Here we get salaries of subordinates under managers. Those employees
who are not managers are omitted.
var T:=
by mgrid = parent empid
where mgrid>=0
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'};
//Get a dense rank. This rank binds all rows for each employee
//together. The idea is to increment a count for every level 1 since
//a level 1 indicates the start of a new employee.
var TR:=
T add{case when level=1 then empname else nil end NameEmp}
T rename {sequence sequenceX}
where (sequenceX<=sequence) and (level=1)
var SR:=
TR group by {Rank}
//We want the empid and name for each dense rank.
add{Min(empid) NumEmpid,Max(NameEmp) Emp_Name}
//We only want managers, those that have subordinates.
( Employees {mgrid} ) with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
add {
( (empname+ case when level>1 then ' ('+ToString(salary)+')'
else '' end).Insert(0,''.PadLeft((level-1),'|'))).Replace('|',' | ')
select SR {Mgr_Sal_Tree,sequence} order by {sequence};
Mgr_Sal_Tree sequence
----------------------------- --------
Nancy 1
| Andrew ($5,000.00) 2
| | Steven ($2,500.00) 3
| | Michael ($2,500.00) 4
| Janet ($5,000.00) 5
| | Robert ($2,500.00) 6
| | | David ($2,000.00) 7
| | | | James ($1,500.00) 8
| | | Ron ($2,000.00) 9
| | | Dan ($2,000.00) 10
| | Laura ($2,500.00) 11
| | Ann ($2,500.00) 12
| Margaret ($5,000.00) 13
| | Ina ($2,500.00) 14
Andrew 15
| Steven ($2,500.00) 16
| Michael ($2,500.00) 17
Janet 18
| Robert ($2,500.00) 19
| | David ($2,000.00) 20
| | | James ($1,500.00) 21
| | Ron ($2,000.00) 22
| | Dan ($2,000.00) 23
| Laura ($2,500.00) 24
| Ann ($2,500.00) 25
Margaret 26
| Ina ($2,500.00) 27
Robert 30
| David ($2,000.00) 31
| | James ($1,500.00) 32
| Ron ($2,000.00) 33
| Dan ($2,000.00) 34
David 38
| James ($1,500.00) 39
Here is the same tree as above (of salaries for subordinates) using a
table and a view created with a pass-thru query.
We can create a table based on the result of explode.
create table Emp_T
by mgrid = parent empid
where mgrid>=0
order by {empid}
include level
with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
add{case when level=1 then empname else nil end NameEmp}
adorn //We can include various meta-data about the columns of the table.
NameEmp nil static tags {Storage.Length = "10"},
empname static tags {Storage.Length = "10"}
}//end adorn.
Now we get the dense rank using a pass-thru query to Sql Server. The result
of the sql query could be set to var TR which means that TR is a table
variable in D4. The TR variable is therefore of the same nature
no matter how it (a table variable) was derived. Or we could create
a view based on the pass-thru query and use that.
var TR:= but we're using a view instead of setting the pass-thru to var TR.
create view TR
SQLQuery("select A.*,
(select Count(*)
from Emp_T as B
where (B.sequence<=A.sequence) and (B.level=1)) as Rank
from Emp_T as A");
Use the TR view in a batch to get the salary tree.
var SR:=
TR group by {Rank}
//We want the empid and name for each dense rank.
add{Min(empid) NumEmpid,Max(NameEmp) Emp_Name}
//We only want managers, those that have subordinates.
( Employees {mgrid} ) with {IgnoreUnsupported = 'true'}
add {
( (empname+ case when level>1 then ' ('+ToString(salary)+')'
else '' end).Insert(0,''.PadLeft((level-1),'|'))).Replace('|',' | ')
select SR {Mgr_Sal_Tree,sequence} order by {sequence};
Mgr_Sal_Tree sequence
------------------------ --------
Nancy 1
| Andrew (5000) 2
| | Steven (2500) 3
| | Michael (2500) 4
| Janet (5000) 5
| | Robert (2500) 6
| | | David (2000) 7
| | | | James (1500) 8
| | | Ron (2000) 9
| | | Dan (2000) 10
| | Laura (2500) 11
| | Ann (2500) 12
| Margaret (5000) 13
| | Ina (2500) 14
Andrew 15
| Steven (2500) 16
| Michael (2500) 17
Janet 18
| Robert (2500) 19
| | David (2000) 20
| | | James (1500) 21
| | Ron (2000) 22
| | Dan (2000) 23
| Laura (2500) 24
| Ann (2500) 25
Margaret 26
| Ina (2500) 27
Robert 30
| David (2000) 31
| | James (1500) 32
| Ron (2000) 33
| Dan (2000) 34
David 38
| James (1500) 39
Here we get the sum of salaries for subordinates under managers using
the TR view. Eliminating level 1 in the query excludes the managers
salary in the sum. Again the dense rank idea makes this an easy query.
join //This is a natural join based on Rank.
TR group by {Rank}
//We want the empid and name for each dense rank.
add{Min(empid) NumEmpid,Max(NameEmp) Emp_Name}
)//->The relation of view TR being group by Rank.
)//->The relation from TR joined to (TR grouped by Rank)
where level>1 //A 'where' applied to above relation. This relation
//is now grouped by NumEmpid to get subordinate salaries.
group by{NumEmpid} add{Max(Emp_Name) Emp_Name,Sum(salary) SumSalary}
order by {NumEmpid};
NumEmpid Emp_Name SumSalary
-------- -------- ----------
1 Nancy 37500.0000
2 Andrew 5000.0000
3 Janet 15000.0000
4 Margaret 2500.0000
7 Robert 7500.0000
11 David 1500.0000